Every day, your organization produces and consumes a tremendous amount of information. These data are not only your intellectual capital, but it also represents your organizational quotient! Still, few organizations have an efficient data culture geared to efficiency. When the right experts are on board, it becomes much easier to adopt practices that will make this culture shine. The good news is that Microsoft 365 offers access to many powerful tools that, once integrated, will allow you to understand your organization, customers and other external stakeholders better.

  • Understand your data-dependent and data-generating business processes;
  • Identify the performance metrics you need to report on in real time;
  • Configure your data capture tools;
  • Build rich and adaptive dashboards;
  • Roll out relevant data across your organization;
  • Learn.

When it comes to business intelligence and data enhancement, idexia's experts work to develop cutting-edge solutions using Microsoft 365 and Azure services. They can structure the information architecture and recommend solutions that support Power BI's data security and infrastructure architecture. Our architects know how to define Azure storage spaces (Data Warehouses, SQL DB, Cosmos DB, Blob Storage, etc.) as well as the Dataverse scope. They can also help you define data ingestion using services such as Azure Datafactory, LogicApps, Cognitive services and Stream analytics. They're skilled at transforming data into useful information, capturing past data and mapping it into the future by leveraging your information to understand the trends in your organization and industry.

Let's chat about your data




Business intelligence and data valuation 101

Data governance

Determine the context in which your data are produced and consumed, by whom, and for what purpose.

Data architecture

Determine how your data interact amongst themselves and what needs they serve.

Security architecture

Define the rules governing the distribution and access to your data.

Service infrastructure

Define the process for transforming your data into information and decision-making capital

What are the net gains of business intelligence and data valuation?

Timely and accurate information will undoubtedly allow your organization to make faster, more informed decisions that better meet your business imperatives.

Now ask yourself one of two questions: How much did your last bad decision cost you? What could a data-driven culture mean for you in terms of return on investment?


Data. Dashboards. Intelligence. Embark on the adventure with us.

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